Parent Partners
Simply, the school partners with parents so that a God-centered worldview will be established through a strong and vibrant Christian education. This partnership is vital to the strength of the school and the students’ education. Because of this importance, the school’s staff and parents’ organization offer significant opportunities for parents to make a difference in their children’s educational environment. Parents serve in classrooms, participate on committees, plan events, and coordinate projects. This active involvement ensures the continued excellence of the academic and enrichment environments for our students.
The school’s parents’ organization is to promote and conduct itself within the SCS vision statement: To assist parents in developing a God-centered worldview in their children by providing a vibrant education and spiritual environment where Godly character and unity in Christ can flourish, thereby enabling students to serve God and impact the world through biblical thought and action.
Parents have an opportunity to:
Strengthen the unity among parents/students/staff
Encourage and support educational activities
Provide an opportunity for the parents to serve in the ministry of the school through leadership, participation, prayer and encouragement of one another
Further develop the educational resources and enhancements of the school that yearly tuition does not cover
Participation Opportunities
Room Parents
New Student Orientation
Back to School night
Picture Day
Christmas Concert
Grandparents Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
Book Fairs
- Elementary Christmas Store
Fine Arts evening
Eagle Booster Club
Performing Arts Booster Club
Classroom support
Lunch and Recess Aid